Where to find out more information about Hydropower in Laos. Firstly, in our Facebook Group , we try to share and curate relevant information about hydropower in Laos from social media and in the news and actively encourage group members to do the same.
For project details and a list of the different hydropower projects there are several sources online:
The Mekong Infrastructure Tracker is a database of infrastructure in the region, including hydropower projects, that lets you search on an interactive map and use filters. Search results can be exported as an Excel file so it’s possible to generate a list of projects that meet certain search criteria
Laos Hydropower Projects Info by Hobo Maps provides a map and list of hydropower projects in Laos. Clicking through to the individual project pages provides details on each of the projects, including coordinates of the key project features, satellite images from the project locations, excerpts from various online sources regarding the details of the project and news articles.
For current water level information
MRC has monitoring stations for River Level Data and Forecasting for the Mekong and Near Real-time Data which includes several tributaries.
For EDL reservoirs, the daily water levels are published on their Website
The Mekong Dam Monitor uses satellite imagery to estimate the water levels in many of the large reservoirs in the Mekong basin, updated weekly. The methods are described in detail on the site.
Specific Projects
Many project owners have their own websites with project profiles
The Mekong River Commission publishes detailed documentation about Mekong Mainstream Projects submitted as part of the PNPCA process.
For projects owned by foreign companies that are publicly listed investor briefings, quarterly and annual reports are published on the company website, which can provide information on projects. For example, Mega First Corporation Berhad provides quarterly updates on Don Sahong Project on their website.